14.10.2019 publication of study by Prof. Francesco Maiani, UNIL on Family Unity in Dublin Procedures

We are pleased to announce the publication of a new study:

Prof. Francesco Maiani, University of Lausanne, The Protection of Family Unity in Dublin Procedures: Towards a Protection-Oriented Implementation Practice, CSDM October 2019.

For translated versions: françaisDeutsche, italiano.

Prof. Maiani discusses the protection of family unity in proceedings arising under the Dublin III Regulati on against the backdrop of the Swiss authorities’ practice in this area. His comprehensive analysis is, however, relevant to any national administration applying the regulation and provides important guidance for European legal practitioners.

The study demonstrates that while there is considerable tension in practice between the operation of the Dublin system and the protection of family unity, if properly interpreted, the Dublin III Regulation could afford effective protection to the families of those to whom it applies. Indeed, “in a system where the protection of family life is a ‘primary consideration’ (Preamble Recital 14), preserving or promoting family unity should be the norm rather than the exception and this conclusion is valid a fortiori in situations characterized by particular vulnerabilities” (Maiani § 4.3.3). As demonstrated by the study, where the regulation itself falls short, relevant human rights norms can and must fill in the gaps. These conclusions rest on extensive research including of the jurisprudence of the CJEU and other relevant European and international bodies.

Finally, the study offers an insightful and unique critique of the underdeveloped jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in this area. Importantly, it discusses the emerging contribution – and largely untapped potential – of the UN Treaty Bodies in closing the protection gaps for families and vulnerable persons caught up in the rigours of Dublin proceedings.

The study was published with the support of the UNHCR Office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein. It a companion study to S. Motz, Family Reunification in Switzerland, Legal Framework and Strategic Considerations, CSDM October 2017.

Newsletter, novembre 2018 : les Nouvelles du CSDM et un appel pour le financement du Centre

Un automne chargé en activités pour le CSDM. Suite à une victoire significative au Comité contre la torture de l’ONU, le centre a alerté les rapporteurs spéciaux du Conseil des droits de l’homme au sujet de  l’application aveugle du règlement Dublin par les autorités suisses. En partenariat avec le HCR, nous poursuivons activement notre travail sur la thématique du regroupement familial. Enfin, un effort particulier est fourni pour la recherche de financements. L’année 2019 s’annonce particulièrement difficile et votre aide est essentielle.

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